Welcome to The Anti Blog

10:39 PM

Let me tell you about an interaction I have on a frequent basis:

Wife: So this fashion blogger...
Me: I already don't care about this story
*Wife continues to tell me story*
Me: I can't even tell you how much I want to kill myself right now

My name is Alex, welcome to The Anti Blog! It's my goal in life to change the way the world views blogs. If I have to look at one more picture of a 25 year old mom of 3 who wears overalls, I might just lose my mind.

Random side note ladies, overalls are not "cute". Never in the history of mankind has a man ever said "Wow, she looks hot in those overalls!" What he is actually thinking is that you look like his annoying niece that always asks if he has games on his phone. And that is not attractive.

Anyway....where was I? Oh yes, all I want is to create a small corner of the internet that has content that doesn't make peoples' head explode when their significant other is explaining it to them. Instead of talking about the cutest new purses on the market, we are going to get down to the real issues in life. Like which is better, crunchy or puff Cheetos? (spoiler alert it's crunchy).  Now I know what you are thinking, how am I possibly going to know what to wear tomorrow if someone doesn't tell me what boots to wear? Fear not, we will talk about fashion every once in a while. And the answer to your question about boots is only when it's raining or snowing outside. If you find yourself putting on knee high boots and a skirt, go back to your room, change and re-evaluate every decision you have made in life up to this point.

I'm sure you're wondering what qualifications I have to speak about about fashion blogging. Well I am a natural born fashionista and model. Just see the incredibly genuine picture my wife took of me below. It was totally spontaneous and we definitely didn't take like 15 shots looking for the perfect one. Because that's the way the real fashion bloggers do it!

No I'm not a professional model, shocker right? How some big modeling agency hasn't picked me up yet is just a complete mystery to me. 

Well there you have it. Welcome to the Anti Blog. Follow me or don't follow me, I don't care. Just know if you don't follow me it will really hurt my feelings. And if you do decide to follow me, your life will be so much better for doing so. True story

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